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tv   Right This Minute  FOX  October 12, 2012 9:00am-9:30am PDT

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hi, everyone. i'm beth troutman, and it's time for the best videos of the day, "right this minute." in seconds, a skier is buried. >> the camera completely covered up by snow. >> why that camera's at the center of the real survival story. firefighters enter a glowing inferno. >> all of a sudden you see a big flash of red. >> see the frightening close call caught on helmetcam.
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they saunlt sauntered up to, and then -- >> watch what this guy takes out. >> find out what they were after. plus, an 8-year-old who's already a scene stealer. and a duck delicacy that's not for everyone. >> i would eat this. >> really? >> yeah. >> why those are some tough words to swallow. >> oh! >> ah. these guy, back country skiing in the whistler mountains in british columbia, canada. this is fissile peak. now, pretty high up there. you know? and when you're up this high, the one thing you've got to worry about -- >> avalanches. >> bingo. this is lee weill, up there with a group 6 buddies including his friend richard, now attempting this from fissile peak. richard takes off. everything looks smooth, and then here goes lee.
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>> avalanche. >> oh, no. >> in a couple seconds, the camera covered up by snow. you hear lee shout out -- >> avalanche. >> suffered minor injuries and eventually saved by the whistler search and rescue, had to be extracted by a helicopter and also lost a lot of their gear, including the camera, but wehen they found it -- >> you saw this. this all happened in april of 2010. almost 2 1/2 years ago. guess what? they just found the camera. >> no way! >> yeah, just this past september a guy named tobin came across lee's camera. it's a contour point of view camera. lee was in europe on facebook and saw a post from a friend whip a photo of his gear that he lost in the avalanche. he contacts the friend. the contour camera did look a little mangled, but somehow,
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plugged it into his computer. it still worked, and he was able to check out this footage and was amazed at what was the camera caught. this individuvideo is yet n reminder of the danger firefighters face every time they fight a fire. until virginia, you see the firefighters arriving to a house fire. this is video from a helmetcam of one of the firefighters. as he walks up you see the massive fire. you hear e firefighters communicating with each other, strategizing their next move, but as we ve into the actual w it is for them. especially right about here. all of a sudden you see a big flash of red. >> [ bleep ]. >> a lot of sparks, and then you hear a firefighter asking, are you all right?
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>> are you all right? >> to the other firefighter nap is because part of the ceiling just collapsed right where they were. >> it looks horrifying and so dangerous. these guys have trained for this stuff, dealt with it, so -- it's what they do, and what they love doing. >> also, you'd never know what you're walking into. you can't predict what you're walking into. they had no idea the ceiling was going to collapse. >> plus you don't know what's in there. someone might start calling for help. but you never know what you're going to face on a daily bads. >> one of the firefighters 1sai he was hit on the head, but fortunately, there was no one else in the home. you know someone's up to no good when you see this burgundy two door kind of slide up to this house, pull up to the side of the curb and then back up. >> like, oh, did i just see something there? >> after that car pulled up to the side, then backs up out of
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the shot, you see two guys kind of amble up to the car -- >> looking pretty shady. hand in his pockets, checking the door. checking the windows. >> then, he comes back with a buddy. >> now they're running. this gip's got gloves. >> you're thinking, are they going to break open the window? >> no. but were able to get the window on the back of this suv open. >> a third guy comes. >> watch what they're taking out. >> the third row seat? >> picked them up and carried them away. >> unbelievable. i wonder if they have the same car and their seat got damaged, that one looks like mine. let's go steal the seat. >> their face was caught in the camera. >> thievery is not exclusive to suvs. check out this video. one is asking for help about a laptop, but watch the guy in the back. he picks up a phone and sees on the laptop, kind of like a switcheroo, put had down, then took his own phone. >> got out of their quick.
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>> that phone belongs to the person that cook the video. he was in the store assisting them. >> i've got to say, the shopworker, keep your phone on you. because you can't trust people. people steal phones all the time. >> the guy wants people to pass on this video, so somebody can i.d. him, because, you know, that's his iphone. they're not exactly cheap. >> consider it passed on to all of our viewers. last summer police stopped a harlem teenager named alvin. al vip claims he had just been stopped by police a few blocks earlier. this time he hid an audio recorder to record what happened with police. >> you keep looking at us? >> going through my pockets, up, down, going through my sweater when he told me, keep my hands on my head. i was like this the whole time. >> you want to go to jail. >> what for? >> shut your [ bleep ] mouth, kid! >> what am i getting arrested for? >> for being a [ bleep ]. >> that's being a mutt? >> all part of a documentary, an
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inside look at the nypd's stop and frisk policy. basically, of an officer just being suspicious of you and can come up, do a quick pat-down, a quick search. >> the commanding officer wants to become a deputy inspector. the executive officer wants to become a commanding officer. if you do well by keeping your arrests up and summons up, you willish promoted to the next rank. so they put pressure on the police officers to generate numbers and arrests. >> this audiotape being released by the "nation" magazine also sparking city counce il meeting to try and reform this policy in new york city. according to the "new york times," require police officers to identify themselves, provide their name and rank, among other things. >> their constitutional rights are protected from illegal search and seizure, to me, what basis do they have to stop these people? you look suspicious, well, shoot, i look suspicious, you
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look suspicious, depending on who's -- >> the civilians are being hunted. instead of protected by us, being hunted, and we're being hated. >> see this on "right this minute" if want to see the whole thing. generally when kids are put on the spotlight they get really shy. right? not gracie. >> meet the girl who's not afraid to let loose with the band. >> was like, oh, my gosh. you did so well. i was like, oh, my. >> and see this bike lane sign? it was nice, but there's one problem. >> that's just a regular roadway. you see, the city didn't paint those. >> we'll try to clear up alright let's break it down.
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mom, pop it. ♪ two inches apart, becky. two inches.
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t-minus nine minutes. [ ding ] [ female announcer ] pillsbury cinnamon rolls. let the making begin. ♪ too bad the guys aren't here we're clear. ok, swarm! swarm! hello [ female announcer ] pillsbury chocolate chip cookies. let the making begin some kids are really, really cute, but this one -- very cute. this is gracie, and she is at a concert fund-raiser in south carolina. the band playing is party on the moon, and they called her up onstage so they could serenade
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her to bruno mars' "just the way you are." the song starts playing and generally when kids are put on the spotlight they get really shy. right? not gracie. ♪ >> she immediately starts breaking into dance, just bustin' some moves. >> this looks choreographed, too. >> doesn't it? >> i hate to break into party on the moon, but she totally stole the show. >> without a doubt. who cares about the lead singer. she's the star. >> everybody was into it. listen to the crowd. champions. >> we wanted to know more, we reached out via skype. "right this minute" we have gracie allal way from south carolina. so, you are not shy at all? >> not really. >> gracie, what made you decide to just bust a move up there? >> it's boring sitting in a chair.
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i needed to do something. >> why did they invite you onstage? >> well, there was this boy dancing on there at first, and i thought that wasn't fair. so i went up there and broke out some moves, and when i was leaving the stage, he pulled me back up there and he thanked me. >> what did they say to you after the song was over? >> he was like, give it up for gracie, and he was, like, i see a future star, and i was like, boo-yah! >> oh, yeah. boo-yah! >> give it up for gracie, everybody! [ cheers and applause ] 60 miles an hour every day. >> take a look at this and tell me what you think it is this guy's driving on. >> in a bike lane? >> those are bike lane sign, nick, but that's just a regular roadway. you see the city didn't paint those in dallas. just some vandal did. >> they're like, pretend? >> yes. they're pretend bike lane, and, of course, it's confusing drivers. >> was this, like a protest from cyclists to say, look, we need
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bike lanes in the city? >> nobody said anything, but the presumption is, people are thinking that they need more bike lanes. >> i think just to so the possibility. again, to try it. you know, it's just -- it will come out. >> so far they've appeared on two bridges in dallas, and that's prompted a response from the city council. >> i came this close hitting a cyclist and i have to tell you, as we put these bike markings down, we have to make sure that they're consistent. >> the one along jefferson were not put up by the city. they were put up in the night. >> they look real. phi were a driver i would obey them. >> i find ittest tring they're using that as way to protest. that could get somebody killed. this doesn't surprise me. dallas twice labeled the worst city in the country for cyclists by "bicycle" magazine. >> it's ridiculous. four students from arizona state university have developed a product that could potentially
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save the lives of millions in third world countries. clean drinking water is a priceless commodity, and in many villages and many culture, people travel miles and miles to get water. oftentimes that water is contaminated. these four students developed something called safe sip. safe sip stands for safe, sustainable innovative portable purification and it's this barrel that has a handle, and as the people in the village get the stream water, get the water from their source into this barrel and push it back to their communities, as its rolling, it's sending the water through a filtration system, and not only does it purify the water, it saved them 75% of the trip that they normally make to their water source, because this one barrel can hold 30 gallons of water. >> how easy is it for somebody to push this? >> i imagine something like
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pushing a lawn mower. especially because this thing, once it gets rolling it's probably easier and easier to push. >> purify water for up to three years. it's something they can use for an extended period of time. >> and people are taking notice of this incredible innovation. in fact, these four students ent ared the 10,000 solution showcase, which was an innovation challenge at arizona state university, and they won the grand prize with their safe sip device, which earned them $10,000. what these four students are hoping is that they can license this product to a manufacturer in a place like south africa, and get these out there into these communities and into these small villages. it's a slow mo dog video that is blowing up the web, and we've got it for you. >> it looks amazing. >> dogs in slow motion. see it on the next "right this minute." and, still to come --
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>> the last play in an ohio football game. quarterback goes back, and -- >> about to get tackled, throws it osier his head. >> see how the last crazy play ends, next. and it's a delicacy in an egg, but can this guy really eat what's inside? >> having a hard time getting this thing down. >> you've got to the try new things. >> i would eat this. >> really? >> okay, steven, then we're putting you to the test, on "right this minute."
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some things won't last 25 years. ah! woof! some things will. save up to 15% on an ikea kitchen. we stand for farmers owning the company; for them taking responsibility for the products they make; for them being in the right place at the right time for over 100 years making tillamook cheese
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from tillamook, oregon; for these farmers never wavering from their commitment to excellence. we stand for that. some things won't last 25 years. ah! woof! some things will. save up to 15%
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on an ikea kitchen. welcome back to the show, but don't forget to check in at great videos all day long. >> football coaches spend hours and hours drawing up plays. it takes forever to make the playbook and at the end of the game, stuff like this happens. this is a broadcast from tv 2 at kent state university. ohio high school football, 48 seconds left. you've got the ravens versus the field falcons. in white, ravens, down, just under a minute to go. final play. it all comes down to this. number 8 is the quarterback. bennett take as snap, rolls to his left and it looks like the team in red has him for the sack, but watch. he flips the ball over his head and the guy gets it in the end zone for the touchdown. now, the announcer from tv 2 and kent state university described
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it better than i could. listen. >> bennett and stallman in the backfield, out to his left. looks for a receiver, bennett has to run around, throws it up and scores! touchdown! touchdown! he threw bouquet style at a wedding. >> really, can you describe it any better than that? took the ball, knees out down, about to get tackled, throws it over his head. some guy on his team happens to be standing there. he catches it, like, oh. all right. >> and dominating the falcons. >> right. the ravens went on to win, of course, 15-14. bennett is the hero. zlwin chew is good at sleight of hand and making things disappear, but this is something he a little bit of a problem with. what is this something? a delicacy in the philippines, which is a duck egg. >> oh, no. >> gross. >> an embryo boiled.
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you're supposed to suck out the juices and then you eat the yolk and the little duck. >> ooh. >> ah! >> and that's what's inside. >> ooh. >> beth isn't here. if she is, this is how she'd react. >> uck -- >> the common way to eat it in the philippines, with vinegar or salt. let's see what zlwin does. >> ooh. >> having a hard time getting this thing down. >> just take it down. shot-style. >> and there he goes. ♪ [ choking ] >> can somebody give me mountain dew, freitos and a duck embryo. you've got to try new things. >> i kind of thing i would try this. i would eat this. >> really? >> want to try one of these? >> oh, my god. this isn't real.
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>> ah! no way. >> i'm going to puke. >> yeah. i'll do this. yeah. >> do it many xl. >> how do you do it? i'm nervous about this. >> you crack the big side and sprinkle a little salt and vinegar and just do it. then track the rest of the egg, eat the rest of the yolk out and you'll crack into the duck. >> ah! >> are you shaking? >> i'm a little nervous. >> i'm shaking for you. >> oh, god. >> it's cooked. it's not raw. >> i put this in here? >> put a little in there. >> a little more than that. >> you might want a little more. >> this is duck embryonic fluid that you're drinking. >> just suck it down. >> oh, no! you are shaking. >> now crack the rest of it. >> this is the grossest -- >> oh. is that a wing? is that an eyeball? beth was here it would be totally different. [ gagging ] >> ah! oh.
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>> an eyeball. >> oh, my god! >> that's the beak right there. >> how does it taste, steven. >> tastes like something i probably shouldn't have eaten. not so bad, actually. >> the yolk -- the yolk has more substance than a chicken egg you got from a farm. >> for a brief second i thought i might take a bite. >> oh, yeah. >> you got a head in yours? >> i just ate it. he's suddenly famous on the web, and all because of his speed and aim. >> pretty big dude kicking around some footballs in some tricky ways. see the nan demand, by american football team, next. never considered
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weight lifting a team sport, until i saw this video. [ laughter ] >> two more. oh, boy. >> i don't know what to make of something like this. you've got two guys doing, like, dumbbell military press, while the other guy sits on a leg press and his friend essentially like, leg pressing his friend. >> there's a lot of groaning going on. >> yeah. i've got to think that this guy really isn't that heavy. >> no. >> where's all the grunting coming from? >> i don't know. >> if you're this guy, really
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all you're doing is just the dumbbell. he's not doing anything extra. >> right. >> are they deucing with each other? it does leave awe bit speechless. >> kind of like, you got to really have a close relationship with your bud toy wady to want workout like this. no stranger to the compilation video. here's one called "take a wish." pretty big dude kicking around some footballs in some tricky was. over his head into a garage can. into a boat from ashore. accuracy, length, all there. this is apparently a norwegian named havard, never played american football. in the city you'd think otherwise. look at this. kicking through a basketball hoop. a friend on a moving car, out a sunroof, hits the guy in stride. he's at the bottom of a hill. he's able to hook this thing right to his buddy.
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the trick shot that might end up making this guy some money one day. >> could we draft him into the nfl? >> if he can put it anywhere he wants, seems like it, plus, he's big enough. >> everybody misses every now and again. >> now that you make this video -- >> last, not least, the most impre impressive, a ball up into the air and kick as ball from the ground and is able to hit that ball in midair. >> where's the contract for this kid? >> according to one norwegian publication, he is starting to get some interest from some college football teams. crazy skills. good luck, buddy. that's it for us here at "right this minute." we'll see you next time, everybody. -- captions by vitac --
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